Our Researches

 Our Researches


·     German Patent granted for: Fast dissolving tablets for post covid immunity restoration. (Patent no. 20 2022 102 198) - 

 Details available on https://register.dpma.de/DPMAregister/pat/register?    AKZ=2020221021988 (Official portal of German Patent and Trademark Office)

·  Australian patent granted for: Fast dissolving tablets for restoring immunity. (Patent no: 2021103634)-

        Details available on AusPat (Australian Govt. IP services)

Book(s) Published:

·    Lyophilization Process: A Guide to Process Validation. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Latvia, European Union, 2019. Also available online on website: https://www.lap-publishing.com/; [ISBN-13: 978-3-659-78968-7; ISBN-10:3659789682; EAN: 9783659789687]


Research Publications:

·     Antinociceptive activity shown by Aerva javanica flowering top extract and its mechanistic evaluationIndo Global J. Pharm. Sci., 2021; 11(1): 33-41. DOI: http://doi.org/10.35652/IGJPS.2021.111005 [ISSN: 2249 1023] (UGC-Care Journal # 2249-1023Impact Factor= 0.675

·     Evaluation of impact of hydro-alcoholic extract and ethyl acetate fraction of flowering tops of "Desert Cotton" plant on algesic, pyretic and inflammatory murine modelsResearch J. Pharm. and Tech 2020; 13(4):1645-1650. àDOI: https//doi.org/10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00298.X [ISSN:  0974-3618; eISSN:  0974-360X]– An SCOPUS Publication; Impact Factor= 0.19

·    High-performance thin-layer chromatographic investigation of rutin in the leaves of Phoenix sylvestris in sequence with pharmacognostical and phytochemical evaluation. JPC-J Planar Chromat, 33, 191–201 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00764-020-00016-1  (Springer Journal-SCOPUS); Impact Factor= 0.856 [ISSN: 0933-4173]

·      Assessment of in-vivo antioxidant potential of hydro-alcoholic extract and ethyl acetate fraction of Aerva javanica linn. flowering tops. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development. 2019; 7(6):72-78. [ISSN: 2320 4850]  DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22270/ajprd.v7i6.614

·      Assessment of in-vitro antioxidant potential of ethyl acetate fraction of hydroalcoholic extract of Aerva javanica linn. flowering topsAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development. 2019; 7(5):133-137. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22270/ajprd.v7i5.520

·      Formulation of Rapid Dissolving Films Containing Granisetron Hydrochloride and Ondansetron HydrochlorideJournal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics. 2019; 9(4-A):516-527 http://dx.doi.org/10.22270/jddt.v9i4-A.3525  [ISSN: 2250-1177; CODEN (USA): JDDTAO] (UGC J. No. 45744/2019)

·      Preformulation Studies of Rapid Dissolving Films Containing Granisetron HydrochlorideJournal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics. 2019; 9(4-A):511-515 http://dx.doi.org/10.22270/jddt.v9i4-A.3524 [ISSN: 2250-1177; CODEN (USA): JDDTAO] (UGC J. No. 45744/2019)

·      Chromatographic Analysis of Barleria prionitis Linn. Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2019; 12(8):3679-3686. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00628.0 [ISSN Print:  0974-3618; ISSN Online :  0974-360X] –An SCOPUS Publication; Impact Factor= 0.19

·  Phytochemical standardization of extracts of Aerva javanica Linn. flowering tops through determination of total phenolic, flavonoid and flavonol content. Asian Journal of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Research. 2019; SI: 12-16  (UGC J.No. 48861/2019) [ISSN:23312560]

·     Assessment of superoxide scavenging and total antioxidant potential of hydroalcoholic extract of Aerva javanica Linn. flowering tops. Asian Journal of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Research. 2019; SI: 22-26  (UGC J.No. 48861/2019) (ISSN:23312560)

·       Exploration of autonomic involvement in mechanism of antinociceptive activity of flowering top extract of Aerva javanica Linn. Asian Journal of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Research. 2019; SI: 33-66  (UGC J.No. 48861/2019) (ISSN:23312560)

· Pharmacognostic, Phytochemical and Pharmacological Review of “Phog”- Calligonum polygonoides L. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics. 2019; 9(2):469-473. [ISSN: 2250-1177; CODEN (USA): JDDTAO] (http://dx.doi.org/10.22270/jddt.v9i2.2384)  (UGC J. No. 45744/2019)

·    Pesticidal residue analysis and phytochemical screening in leaves and roots of Barleria prionitis Linn.Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics. 2018; 8(5):455-459. [ISSN: 2250-1177; CODEN (USA): JDDTAO] (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22270/jddt.v8i5.1908) (UGC J. No. 45744/2019)

·       Jain P, Jain S, Swarnkar SK, Sharma S, Paliwal SScreening of analgesic activity of Phoenix sylvestris leaves in rodents. J Ayu Herb Med, 2018; 4(1):22-24. [ISSN: 2454-5023] (http://dx.doi.org/10.31254/jahm.2018.4105)

·      An Overview of Novel Techniques employed in Mouth Dissolving Drug Delivery SystemInternational Journal of Engineering Science and Generic Research (IJESAR). 2018, 4(3): 09-27. [ISSN: 2456-043X]

·   Preformulation studies of diltiazem hydrochloride from tableted microspheres. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics. 2018; 8(1):64-69. [ISSN: 2250-1177] (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22270/jddt.v8i1.1552(UGC J. No. 45744/2019)

·      Design, Development and Evaluation of Herbal Transdermal Patches for Anti-inflammatory Activity. Int J Pharm, 2018; 8(3): 33-50 [ISSN 2249-1848; CODEN: IJPNL6]

·   An Overview of Mouth Dissolving Films: Formulation Aspects. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Science Archive, 2017, 5(5):01-18. [ISSN: 2349-2678]

·      Drugs and Road Safety. Souvenir of Road Safety NGO, 2018.

·    Road safety – time for action. Souvenir of Road Safety NGO, 2018.

·      YOURS: Youth for road safety. Souvenir of Road Safety NGO, 2018.

·   An Overview of Asthma and its treatment. Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2017, 6(5):32-36. [ISSN: 2279-0594]

·    Jatropha curcas: A Systemic Review on Pharmacological, Phytochemical, Toxicological Profiles and Commercial Applications. Jatropha curcas: A Systemic Review on Pharmacological, Phytochemical, Toxicological Profiles and Commercial Applications Res J Pharm Biol Chem Sci, 2013, Vol 4(1): 989 [ISSN:0975-8585]- Impact factor- 0.35

·     Anti-Inflammatory Studies of the Alcoholic Extract of Zornia gibbosa. Pharmacologyonline 1: 67-76 (2011) [Print-ISSN: 1827-8620] An SCOPUS Publication           Impact factor- 0.19 

·     Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory and Antipyretic Activities of Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Ethanolic Extract of Schrebera swietenioides Roxb. Root.  International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research, Vol 1(1): 7–11(2009) [Print-ISSN: 0975-5160] – SCOPUS Publication; Impact factor- 0.11  

·     Wound Healing Potential of Pyrazole Derivative. Pharmacologyonline Newsletter; 2: 53-60 (2009) [Print-ISSN: 1827-8620] – SCOPUS Publication       Impact factor- 0.19      

·     Antioxidant potential of alcoholic extract of Zornia gibbosa. Pharmacologyonline 1: 319-330 (2008) [Print-ISSN: 1827-8620] – SCOPUS Publication      (Impact factor- 0.19)     

Conference Presentations/Proceedings/ Abstracts:

·       Surendra Kumar Swarnkar, M Manjunath Setty, Manish Bishnolia, Sumit N Laxane, Alok Khunteta, Aruna Swarnkar. “Design, development and evaluation of transdermal patches of guggul”. At 3rd International Conference entitled “Recent Advances and Challenges in Healthcare” (REACH-2020) on March 14, 2020 at GD Goenka University. Proceedings published in SCOPUS Journal- Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 13. (ISBN: 978-81-944112-5-3) Published by: A and V Publications, Raipur ---- Oral Presentation

·       Surendra Kumar Swarnkar, Shubham Agarwal, Sumit N. Laxane, Neha S. Laxane, M. Manjunath Setty. “Pharmacological evaluation of transdermal patches of commiphora mukul extract for their anti-Inflammatory activity”. At 3rd International Conference entitled “Recent Advances and Challenges in Healthcare” (REACH-2020) on March 14, 2020 at GD Goenka University. Proceedings published in SCOPUS Journal- Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 14. (ISBN: 978-81-944112-5-3) Published by: A and V Publications, Raipur ----- Oral Presentation

·       Puneet Gupta, Surendra Kumar Swarnkar, Alok Khunteta, Kshitij Bhargava, Manish Kumar Gupta. “Study of drug release from ethyl cellulose coated nimesulide microcapsules manufactured using different solvents”. At 3rd International Conference entitled “Recent Advances and Challenges in Healthcare” (REACH-2020) on March 14, 2020 at GD Goenka University. Proceedings published in SCOPUS Journal- Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 16. (ISBN: 978-81-944112-5-3) Published by: A and V Publications, Raipur ---- Oral Presentation

·       Deepanshu Gupta, Shubham Agarwal, Manish Bishnolia, Surendra Kumar Swarnkar. “Microgravity models: The latest frontier of accelerated pharmacological studies”. At 3rd International Conference entitled “Recent Advances and Challenges in Healthcare” (REACH-2020) on March 14, 2020 at GD Goenka University. Proceedings published in SCOPUS Journal- Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 85. (ISBN: 978-81-944112-5-3) Published by: A and V Publications, Raipur

·       Ayush Acharya, Yash Soni  and Surendra Kumar Swarnkar. “Exomedicine: the biopharmaceutical consideration”. At 3rd International Conference entitled “Recent Advances and Challenges in Healthcare” (REACH-2020) on March 14, 2020 at GD Goenka University. Proceedings published in SCOPUS Journal- Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 86. (ISBN: 978-81-944112-5-3) Published by: A and V Publications, Raipur

·       Pranjal Nema, Ayush Acharya, Surendra Kumar Swarnkar. “Terrestrial benefits from space exploration.” At 3rd International Conference entitled “Recent Advances and Challenges in Healthcare” (REACH-2020) on March 14, 2020 at GD Goenka University. Proceedings published in SCOPUS Journal- Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 94. (ISBN: 978-81-944112-5-3) Published by: A and V Publications, Raipur

·       Shivani Bhabhra, Ayush Acharya, Surendra Kumar Swarnkar. “Biopharmaceutical challenges of therapeutics in space: formulation and packaging consideration.” At 3rd International Conference entitled “Recent Advances and Challenges in Healthcare” (REACH-2020) on March 14, 2020 at GD Goenka University. Proceedings published in SCOPUS Journal- Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 95 (ISBN: 978-81-944112-5-3) Published by: A and V Publications, Raipur

·       Prajjwal Mangal, Ayush Acharya, Alok Khunteta, Surendra Kumar Swarnkar. “Post flight rehabilitation of space crews.” At 3rd International Conference entitled “Recent Advances and Challenges in Healthcare” (REACH-2020) on March 14, 2020 at GD Goenka University. Proceedings published in SCOPUS Journal- Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 96. (ISBN: 978-81-944112-5-3) Published by: A and V Publications, Raipur

·       Aayushi Mathur, Ayush Acharya, Puneet Gupta, Surendra Kumar Swarnkar. “In-flight medical assessment.” At 3rd International Conference entitled “Recent Advances and Challenges in Healthcare” (REACH-2020) on March 14, 2020 at GD Goenka University. Proceedings published in SCOPUS Journal- Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 97. (ISBN: 978-81-944112-5-3) Published by: A and V Publications, Raipur

·       Simran Sharma, Ayush Acharya, Surendra Kumar Swarnkar, Silkey Gupta. “Aviation medicine: the cardiovascular overview.” At 3rd International Conference entitled “Recent Advances and Challenges in Healthcare” (REACH-2020) on March 14, 2020 at GD Goenka University. Proceedings published in SCOPUS Journal- Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 102. (ISBN: 978-81-944112-5-3) Published by: A and V Publications, Raipur

·       Sonu Jangid, Mohan Lal Kumawat, Surendra Kumar Swarnkar, Rakesh Gupta. “Role of nutritional research affecting physiological functions for the success of human space flight.” At 3rd International Conference entitled “Recent Advances and Challenges in Healthcare” (REACH-2020) on March 14, 2020 at GD Goenka University. Proceedings published in SCOPUS Journal- Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 103. (ISBN: 978-81-944112-5-3) Published by: A and V Publications, Raipur

·       Girish Mansion, Shubham Agarwal, Manish Bishnolia, Surendra Kumar Swarnkar, Reema Dheer, Rakesh Gupta. “Clinical pharmacology of space.” At 3rd International Conference entitled “Recent Advances and Challenges in Healthcare” (REACH-2020) on March 14, 2020 at GD Goenka University. Proceedings published in SCOPUS Journal- Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 104. (ISBN: 978-81-944112-5-3) Published by: A and V Publications, Raipur

·       Ayush Acharya, Amra Ahsan, Surendra Kumar Swarnkar. “Psychological analysis and monitoring of crew performance” At 3rd International Conference entitled “Recent Advances and Challenges in Healthcare” (REACH-2020) on March 14, 2020 at GD Goenka University. Proceedings published in SCOPUS Journal- Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 8. (ISBN: 978-81-944112-5-3) Published by: A and V Publications, Raipur ---- Oral Presentation

·       Prajjwal Mangal, Devendra Dwivedi, Sonu Jangid, SK Swarnkar, Rakesh Gupta. Nanotechnology Based Approaches for Enhancing Oral Bioavailability of Poorly Water Soluble Drugs. At 7th Indo-USA Conference organized by SKIP, Jaipur and APP American International Branch on “Present Trends and Breakthroughs in Pharmaceutical Sciences” at Swami Keshwanand Institute of Pharmacy, Jaipur on December 5, 2019.—Awarded as best poster in category.

·       Manish Bishnolia, Shubham Agarwal, SK Swarnkar, Alok Khunteta, Rakesh Gupta. Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery to the Brain. At 7th Indo-USA Conference organized by SKIP, Jaipur and APP American International Branch on “Present Trends and Breakthroughs in Pharmaceutical Sciences” at Swami Keshwanand Institute of Pharmacy, Jaipur on December 5, 2019.

·       Aanchal Parnami, SK Swarnkar, Champa Tudu, Hansraj Manda, Rakesh Gupta. Anti-inflammatory Potential of Schrebera swietenioides. At 7th Indo-USA Conference organized by SKIP, Jaipur and APP American International Branch on “Present Trends and Breakthroughs in Pharmaceutical Sciences” at Swami Keshwanand Institute of Pharmacy, Jaipur on December 5, 2019.

·       SK Swarnkar, Deepanshu Gupta, ML Kumawat, Alok Khunteta, Hansraj Manda, Rakesh Gupta. In-vitro antioxidant potential of Schrebera swietenioides roxb. root extract. At 7th Indo-USA Conference organized by SKIP, Jaipur and APP American International Branch on “Present Trends and Breakthroughs in Pharmaceutical Sciences” at Swami Keshwanand Institute of Pharmacy, Jaipur on December 5, 2019.

·       Asish Pratap, Kishnendra Jain, Puneet Gupta, Silkey Gupta, Surendra Kumar Swarnkar, Rakesh Gupta. Evaluation of methyl cellulose coated nimesulide microcapsules. At 7th Indo-USA Conference organized by SKIP, Jaipur and APP American International Branch on “Present Trends and Breakthroughs in Pharmaceutical Sciences” at Swami Keshwanand Institute of Pharmacy, Jaipur on December 5, 2019.

·       Shubham Agarwal, Manish Bishnolia, SK Swarnkar, Reema Dheer, Rakesh Gupta. Changing Role of Pharmacist in National Health Policy from 2002 to 2017: A Critical Comparison. At 7th Indo-USA Conference organized by SKIP, Jaipur and APP American International Branch on “Present Trends and Breakthroughs in Pharmaceutical Sciences” at Swami Keshwanand Institute of Pharmacy, Jaipur on December 5, 2019.

·       Simran Sharma, Shivani Bhabhra, SK Swarnkar, Rakesh Gupta, Sumit Laxane. Lipoxygenase bioassay for determination of anti-inflammatory potential of Zornia gibbosa ethanolic extract. At 7th Indo-USA Conference organized by SKIP, Jaipur and APP American International Branch on “Present Trends and Breakthroughs in Pharmaceutical Sciences” at Swami Keshwanand Institute of Pharmacy, Jaipur on December 5, 2019.

·       Ayush Acharya, Surendra Swarnkar, Rakesh Gupta. Exomedicine: A Frontier in Modern Medical Sciences. At 7th Indo-USA Conference organized by SKIP, Jaipur and APP American International Branch on “Present Trends and Breakthroughs in Pharmaceutical Sciences” at Swami Keshwanand Institute of Pharmacy, Jaipur on December 5, 2019.

·       Ashish Pratap, Manish Bishnolia, Puneet Gupta, Surendra K. Swarnkar, Rakesh Gupta. Journey of official compendiums of India as an authentic source of monographs for herbal drugs. At National Seminar on “Development of Monographs on Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals” on 23rd Nov 2019 organized by Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission at Maharishi Arvind College of Pharmacy, Jaipur, Rajasthan.

·       Aanchal Parnami, Kartik Kaushik, Surendra Kumar Swarnkar, Alok Khunteta, Rakesh Gupta. Determination of total phenolic, flavonoid and flavonol content for herbal monograph of Calligonum polygonoides Linn. At National Seminar on “Development of Monographs on Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals” on 23rd Nov 2019 organized by Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission at Maharishi Arvind College of Pharmacy, Jaipur, Rajasthan.

·       SK Swarnkar, Shivani Bhabhra. Disaster Management: Role of Pharmacy Professionals. At 24th Pradanya-2019: Annual International Conference on “Future of Healthcare: Globalization, Local Innovations & You” on 23rd – 25th November, 2019 at IIHMR, Jaipur.

·       Surendra Kumar Swarnkar, Aanchal Parnami, Kashish Barotia, Manish Kumar Gupta, Deepak Sharma, Sarvesh Paliwal. Phytochemical standardization of extracts Aerva javanica Linn. flowering tops through determination of total phenolic, flavonoid and flavonol content. At 2nd National Conference entitled “Recent Advances and Challenges in Healthcare” (REACH-2019) on March 16, 2019 at GD Goenka University. Proceedings published in UGC approved journal AJBPR  (UGC J.No. 48861/2019) (ISSN:23312560)

·       Surendra Kumar Swarnkar, Devendra Dwivedi, Ritu Sharma, Deepanshu Gupta, Kartik Kaushik, Puneet Gupta. Assessment of superoxide scavenging and total antioxidant potential of hydroalcoholic extract of Aerva javanica Linn. flowering tops. At 2nd National Conference entitled “Recent Advances and Challenges in Healthcare” (REACH-2019) on March 16, 2019 at GD Goenka University. Proceedings published in UGC approved journal AJBPR  (UGC J.No. 48861/2019) (ISSN:23312560)

·       Ayush Acharya, Sakshi Garg, Surendra Kumar Swarnkar. Herbal Pharmacovigilance: from Myth to Application. At 2nd National Conference entitled “Recent Advances and Challenges in Healthcare” (REACH-2019) on March 16, 2019 at GD Goenka University. Proceedings published in UGC approved journal AJBPR  (UGC J.No. 48861/2019) (ISSN:23312560)

·       Surendra Kumar Swarnkar, Alok Khunteta, Yash Jain, Mohan Lal Kumawat, Champa Tudu, Sarvesh Paliwal. Exploration of autonomic involvement in mechanism of antinociceptive activity of flowering top extract of Aerva javanica Linn. At 2nd National Conference entitled “Recent Advances and Challenges in Healthcare” (REACH-2019) on March 16, 2019 at GD Goenka University. Proceedings published in UGC approved journal AJBPR  (UGC J.No. 48861/2019) (ISSN:23312560)

·       SK Swarnkar, A Khunteta, MK Gupta, PK Jain, S Sharma, S Paliwal. Evaluation of Impact of Hydro-Alcoholic Extract and Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Flowering Tops of “Desert Cotton” Plant on Algesic, Pyretic and Inflammatory Murine Models. At 2nd National Conference entitled “Recent Advances and Challenges in Healthcare” (REACH-2019) on March 16, 2019 at GD Goenka University. Proceedings published in UGC approved journal AJBPR  (UGC J.No. 48861/2019) (ISSN:23312560)

·       Ayush Acharya, Ashish Pratap, Simran Sharma and Surendra Kumar Swarnkar. Ayurveda on the Grounds of Sports. At 2nd National Conference entitled “Recent Advances and Challenges in Healthcare” (REACH-2019) on March 16, 2019 at GD Goenka University. Proceedings published in UGC approved journal AJBPR  (UGC J.No. 48861/2019) (ISSN:23312560)

·       Ayush Acharya, Surendra Kumar Swarnkar and Shivani Bhabhra. Yoga Therapy as a Medicine. At 2nd National Conference entitled “Recent Advances and Challenges in Healthcare” (REACH-2019) on March 16, 2019 at GD Goenka University. Proceedings published in UGC approved journal AJBPR  (UGC J.No. 48861/2019) (ISSN:23312560)

·       Surendra Kumar Swarnkar, Alok Khunteta, Manish Kumar Gupta, Sarvesh Paliwal, Swapnil Sharma and Pankaj Kumar Jain. Evaluation of impact of hydro-alcoholic extract and ethyl acetate fraction of flowering tops of “Desert Cotton” plant on algesic, pyretic and inflammatory murine models. At 2nd National Conference entitled “Recent Advances and Challenges in Healthcare” (REACH-2019) on March 16, 2019 at GD Goenka University. Proceedings published in UGC approved journal AJBPR  (UGC J.No. 48861/2019) (ISSN:23312560)

·       SK Swarnkar, G Sukhnani, ML Kumawat, MK Gupta, S. Paliwal “Evaluation of impact of Calligonum polygonoides Linn. floral top extract on excision wounds” 6th  International Conference of Society of Ethanopharmacology on “Medicinal plants and traditional medicine – ethnopharmacology at the interface of local and global needs” on February 8-10, 2018 at Manipal University, Manipal, India.

·        SK Swarnkar, Yash Jain, Deepanshu Gupta, Swapnil Sharma, Sarvesh Paliwal, “Antinociceptive action of Aerva javanica Linn. floral top extract and study on involvement of opioid receptors” 6th  International Conference of Society of Ethanopharmacology on “Medicinal plants and traditional medicine – ethnopharmacology at the interface of local and global needs” on February 8-10, 2018 at Manipal University, Manipal, India.

·       SK Swarnkar, D Karnawat, D Dwivedi, A Khunteta, P Gupta, S Paliwal “Wound parameters in dexamethasone challenged murine excision wounds and impact of Calligonum polygonoides Linn. floral top extract” 6th  International Conference of Society of Ethanopharmacology on “Medicinal plants and traditional medicine – ethnopharmacology at the interface of local and global needs” on February 8-10, 2018 at Manipal University, Manipal, India.

·       SK Swarnkar, Deepansh Karnawat, Alok Khunteta, Pankaj Kumar Jain, Sarvesh Paliwal, “Evaluation of antipyretic potential of Calligonum polygonoides floral top extract in yeast induced pyretic rats” DST sponsored National Conference “Recent Advances in Basic Science Research (NCRBSR-2018)” organized by Faculty of Life Sciences during December 21-22, 2018 at Banasthali Vidyapith, India.

·       SK Swarnkar, Yash  Jain,  Manish Kumar Gupta, Swapnil Sharma, Sarvesh Paliwal, “Evaluation of antipyretic potential of Annona reticulata leaves extract in yeast induced pyretic rats” DST sponsored National Conference “Recent Advances in Basic Science Research (NCRBSR-2018)” organized by Faculty of Life Sciences during December 21-22, 2018 at Banasthali Vidyapith, India.

·       Sukhnani Garima, Swarnkar SK, Zanwar Sachin B, Shreedhara CS, Zanwar Aarti, “Effect of Aqueous Extract of Leaves of Ziziphus mauritiana on Few Parameters in High Fat Diet Induced Hyperlipidemia APTI National Convention- “23rd APTICON-2018” at Swami Keshwanand Institute of Pharmacy, Jaipur from 5th-6th Oct. 2018.

·       Jain Yash, Swarnkar Surendra Kumar, Laxane Sumit N, Setty M Manjunath, Paliwal Sarvesh, “Standardization of Guggul Extract with Reference to Guggulosterone-Z MarkerAPTI National Convention- “23rd APTICON-2018” at Swami Keshwanand Institute of Pharmacy, Jaipur from 5th-6th Oct. 2018.

·       Surendra K Swarnkar, Divya Lalwani, Amita Muradia, Alok Khunteta, Sarvesh Paliwal.  In vitro Antioxidant Potential of Aqueous Extract of Calligonum polygonoides Seeds by ABTS and DPPH Assay. 11th Indo-Japan Fest: International Conference- BICON 2016, on 20-22 October 2016, held at Biyani Girls College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. Proceedings published in- “Advanced Materials Science and Technology  ISBN: 978-93-83462-93-2; pp 235

·       Surendra K Swarnkar, Ayushi Saxena, Komal Prajapati, Alok Khunteta, Sarvesh Paliwal. In-vitro Antioxidant Potential of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Aerial Parts of Aerva javanica by DPPH and ABTS Assay. 11th Indo-Japan International Conference- BICON 2016, on 20-22 October 2016, held at Biyani Girls College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. Proceedings published in- “Advanced Materials Science and Technology  ISBN: 978-93-83462-93-2; pp 227

·       Surendra K Swarnkar, Alok Khunteta, Sarvesh Paliwal, Hansraj Manda, N. Gopalan Kutty. Anti-inflammatory, Anti-allergic, Analgesic and Anti-pyretic effects of 6-hydroxy-3-methyl-1,2-benzisoxazole (HMB) in animal models. National conference on “Emerging Trends in Chemical & Pharmaceutical Sciences” on March 12-13, 2013 at Banasthali University, Banasthali, Newai, Rajasthan, India.

·       Surendra K. Swarnkar, Alok Khunteta, I.S.R. Punitha, A.Shirwaikar, S. Paliwal, Vinit Garg. Effect of Coscinium fenestratum Colebr. stem extract and isolated components on invivo hormonal level of oxidation system in diabetic murine models. National Conference on “Application of natural products for human health and bioremediation of pollutants” on March 22-23, 2013, at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur.

·       S.K. Swarnkar, Alok Khunteta, Amol Rasal, Hansraj Manda, C. Mallikarjuna Rao, S. Paliwal, Surbhi Bhatnagar. Wound healing potential of Schrebera swietenioides Roxb. bark in murine incision wound model. National Conference on “Application of natural products for human health and bioremediation of pollutants” on March 22-23, 2013, at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur

·       Sudha Shankar, Surendra K Swarnkar, Hansraj Manda, Aruna Swarnkar, Pankaj Kumar Jain, Sarvesh Paliwal. Antioxidant potential of ethyl acetate fraction of ethanolic extract of Schrebera swietenioides roxb. root.  AICTE Sponsored National Seminar- 2012, Rajasthan held at Balaji College of Pharmacy, Jaipur on August 17th and 18th 2012.

·       Monika Maan, Surendra K Swarnkar, Hansraj Manda, Aruna Swarnkar, Pankaj Kumar Jain, Sarvesh Paliwal. Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activities of ethyl acetate fraction of ethanolic extract of Schrebera swietenioides roxb. Root. AICTE Sponsored National Seminar- 2012, Rajasthan held at Balaji College of Pharmacy, Jaipur on August 17th and 18th 2012.

·       Pawan Basniwal, Surendra K Swarnkar, Aruna Swarnkar, Hansraj Manda, Sumit N Laxane, M. Manjunath Setty. High throughput screening of some phytoconstituents for establishing their antimicrobial potential against E. coli. International Symposium to held at Birla Auditorium, Jaipur. (Sept, 2010)

·       Paras Bhatia, Surendra K Swarnkar, Aruna Swarnkar,  Sumit N Laxane, M. Manjunath Setty. High throughput screening of some phytoconstituents for establishing their antimicrobial potential against Streptococcus pyogenes. International Symposium to held at Birla Auditorium, Jaipur. (Sept, 2010)

·       Aruna Swarnkar, Surendra K Swarnkar, Hansraj Manda, Sarvesh Paliwal. qsar studies on selective aldosterone synthase (cyp11b2) inhibitors: methylene tetrahydronaphthalene indane derivatives. 61st IPC-2009 held at Nirma University, Ahmedabad in Dec 2009.

·  Paras Bhatia, Surendra K Swarnkar, Sumit N. Laxane, M. Manjunath Setty, Establishment of antimicrobial spectral range of Citral against various fungal and bacterial strains. 61st IPC-2009 held at Nirma University, Ahmedabad in Dec 2009.

·    Surendra K. Swarnkar, Hansraj Manda, Sumit N. Laxane, M. Manjunath Setty, Development and evaluation of herbal transdermal patch formulations of Guggul for antiinflammatory activity. 61st IPC-2009 held at Nirma University, Ahmedabad in Dec 2009.

·       Hansraj Manda, Surendra K Swarnkar, Amol S Rasal, Aruna Swarnkar, Establishment of wound healing potential of Schrebera swietenioides Roxb. bark in dexamethasone challenged mice. 61st IPC-2009 held at Nirma University, Ahmedabad in Dec 2009.

·       Surendra K Swarnkar, Shvetank Bhatt, Mahaveer Singh, Hansraj Manda, Evaluation of a novel TAFI inhibitor in the model of thrombosis and coagulation. 61st IPC-2009 held at Nirma University, Ahmedabad in Dec 2009.

·       Surendra K Swarnkar, Aruna Swarnkar, Hansraj Manda, Sumit N. Laxane, M.Manjunath Setty. In Vitro ABTS and DPPH Free Radical Scavenging (Antioxidant) Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Zornia gibbosa. 14th APTICON-2009: National conference held at Lachoo Memorial College of Science & Technology (Pharmacy), Jodhpur, Rajasthan. (2009)

·       Hansraj Manda, Surendra K Swarnkar, Aruna Swarnkar, K. Baboo Rao, R Shanbhag, N. Gopalan Kutty. In Vitro ABTS Free Radical Scavenging Activity and Lipid Peroxidation Assay for Antioxidant Activity of Schrebera swietenioides Roxb. Root. 14th APTICON-2009: National conference held at Lachoo Memorial College of Science & Technology (Pharmacy), Jodhpur, Rajasthan. (2009)

·     Surendra K Swarnkar, Sumit N. Laxane, Vinit Movalia, M. Manjunath Setty, Annie Shirwaikar. Amelioration of cisplatin and gentamicin induced nephrotoxicity by alcoholic extract of Aerva  javanica. 12th national conference of ISP at Moga, Punjab (2008).

·     Sumit N.Laxane, Surendra K. Swarnkar, Sachin B. Zanwar, Vinit Movalia, M.Manjunath Setty, Annie Shirwaikar. Amelioration of cisplatin induced nephrotoxicity by aqueous extract of Aerva javanica”. International conference on Medicinal Plants & Herbal Products: an international seminar held at Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh(2008).

·       Surendra K. Swarnkar, Sumit N. Laxane, Prashanth Kumar S., M. Manjunath Setty, K. Rajendran, Annie Shirwaikar. Establishment of callus culture of Phyllanthus niruri linn. and investigation of its alcoholic callus extract for anticancer potential. 59th IPC- A National Conference held at BHU, Varanasi (2007).

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